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Vrouw laat lichaam direct na de bevalling zien

Wat een prachtige post-baby body!

Vrouw laat lichaam direct na de bevalling zien

Emily Skye laat op Instagram niet alleen zien hoe fanatiek ze sport, maar ook hoe haar lichaam eruit ziet na haar bevalling. De vrouw is altijd eerlijk over haar lichaam geweest, zo ook nu. Met de kiekjes wil ze laten zien dat niemand meteen loeistrak is na het krijgen van een baby.

Niets is wat het lijkt

Emily zegt 14 kilo te zijn kwijtgeraakt sinds de geboorte van het kindje en dat ze in totaal 21 kilo aan was gekomen tijdens de zwangerschap. Op Instagram motiveert ze met haar foto's niet alleen fitgirls, maar ook mommy to-be's en kersverse moeders.

Op social media lijkt alles zo perfect, maar Emily bewijst het tegendeel met haar post-baby body. Langzaam aan probeert ze weer lichte oefeningen op te pakken om weer net zo strak als before te worden.

Lees ook: Post-baby body: Beyoncé in strakke jurk na bevalling

I’m 23 days postpartum & I’m wearing @recdedmond’s training shorts because none of mine fit. Haha! 😂 I’m down roughly 14kg since I have birth (I’d gained about 21kg while preg). It just shows how much fluid I had! It’s great not to be swollen anymore too! 😃 My tummy isn’t completely down yet and it’s really squishy but it’s getting there. My abs seems to be almost completely back together which I’m so happy about! They were 3 finger widths apart after I gave birth! The core & pelvic floor work I do everyday is obviously working. 😃🙌🏼 . I managed to do some really light exercises at home today for my pelvic floor & core & some resistant band crab walks & monster walks! It was really light & easy but feels so good to do something slightly active! I’m looking forward to returning to the gym in 2.5 weeks! 😃 It’s going to take a lot of hard work to get some sort of strength and fitness back but if I commit myself and I’m consistent I believe I’ll get there. ☺️👊🏼 . .

Een bericht gedeeld door E M I L Y S K Y E (@emilyskyefit) op

I barely recognise myself when I look in the mirror! . I’m far from a “glam mum” HAHA! 😂 - I currently live in what you could call “granny undies”, it hurts to do much with the stitches from my episiotomy, and feeding is extremely painful - I had no idea it would be this bad! 😫 My back is still really sore and when I walk around it literally feels like my insides are going to fall out. 🙈 I also had diastasis recti that was 3 finger widths apart the day after giving birth. . My pregnancy was not how I thought it would be, I thought I’d be exercising regularly the whole way through but that did not happen as I was sick a lot of the time and had back pain that made it hard to just walk around the house. I ended up gaining over 21kg during my pregnancy in fat, fluid, baby, placenta etc. . So many people told me I would “bounce right back” after giving birth like a lot of other fit women do. - Well that’s definitely not the case for me! It’s only 5 days after I gave birth to Mia and I look about 6 or so months pregnant. I can tell I’m going to have a LOT of hard work ahead of me to get fit and strong again which I KNOW I can do but it’s not my priority right now - spending this time with my daughter is. Getting my “body back” can take a back seat for the time being… I’ll get there in a realistic time frame & I refuse to put pressure on myself to get there. . I am SO blessed and beyond happy to bring home my baby girl Mia today. I feel completely content. I look at her and start crying because of the overwhelming love I have for her and I love my body SO much for growing this precious little person. 😊🙌🏼💗 . . #5dayspostpartum #mumlife #bodypositive #blessed .

Een bericht gedeeld door E M I L Y S K Y E (@emilyskyefit) op

Bron: Woman's Health Beeld: Instagram, iStockphoto