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Whitney Port geeft zich bloot over moederschap

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Whitney Port geeft zich bloot over moederschap

Whitney Port, bekend van de realityprogramma's The Hills en The City, heeft zich nog nooit zo blootgesteld als nu. Vijf maanden geleden startte zij met haar YouTube-serie ‘I Love My Baby But’, waarin ze de ins & outs deelt over haar zwangerschap. Op 27 juli beviel zij van haar zoon. Haar laatste video was onverwachts wel heel emotioneel. We zagen Whitney op een manier hoe we haar nooit eerder zagen!


De video met de titel ‘I Haven't Loved Breastfeeding That Much’, is inmiddels 366.000 keer bekeken. Ze vertelt dat haar eerste ervaring met borstvoeding positief was, maar dat het steeds erger werd.

"I thought I was doing really well and the nurses there said that the latch was good, and I was really surprised," aldus Whitney. "But after about 24 to 48 hours of doing it, it just started to get so incredibly painful. And we came home, and I just hit a breaking point and said, 'I can't do this.' It feels like someone is slicing my nipples with glass."

Onder druk

Ze geeft toe dat ze erg onder druk staat van anderen. Veel moeders hebben het idee hun besluit te moeten verbergen om te stoppen met borstvoeding. Ook Whitney ervoer dit zo.

“I feel like a lot of people are going to tell me to just have patience and try to do it because it's only been a week. But I just don't know if it's something that is going to get better or not. So that's what I feel anxious about. Like, how much longer am I willing to try it before I just give up on it and just pump and give him the bottles and be OK with it?”

In tranen

In de oprechte video, waarin ze continu haar tranen weg moet vegen, lijkt Whitney voor het eerst geen realityster, maar een échte moeder.

I'm not obsessed with breastfeeding. There. I said it. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fact that my baby is getting all the amazing nutrients from my milk and that I am literally giving him life, but it has been quite the challenge. A challenge I didn't feel prepared for at all. In this Chapter of I Love My Baby But... I discuss my trying journey through breastfeeding. I have gained so much confidence just through the support you guys have given me, so if any of this rings true or you have any tips, I am all ears. We mothers have to be there for each other. I sincerely believe this community is what has given me the confidence to feel I am not doing anything wrong. Yes, there are times the opinions and judgements of other seep in, but then I remember I have you guys and it makes all the difference. I am really looking forward to reading all the comments and tips this week. I need them more than ever. Click the link in bio to watch full video. XOXO

Een bericht gedeeld door Whitney Port (@whitneyeveport) op

Bekijk de hele video hier.

Bron: Popsugar Beeld: YouTube, Instagram, Gettyimages