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Instagrammer reageert op ophef over 'te dunne' lichaam

Sjana Earp heeft de afgelopen tijd flink wat kritiek over zich heen gekregen. De 20-jarige reis- en lifestylejournaliste...

Instagrammer reageert op ophef over 'te dunne' lichaam

Sjana Earp heeft de afgelopen tijd flink wat kritiek over zich heen gekregen. De 20-jarige reis- en lifestylejournaliste laat haar strakke bikini body regelmatig zien via Instagram en kreeg daar heel wat opmerkingen op. Volgens een deel van haar (miljoen!) volgers zou ze veel te dun zijn. Toch laat de Instagrammer niet over zich heenlopen en reageert ze keihard op alle ophef.


Op haar Instagram vertelt Sjana dat ze niet ver plan is om zich te schamen voor haar lichaam omdat ze erg slank is. "En het lichaam dat ik heb, 'imperfect', 'dun' en 'vies' zoals sommige mensen vinden dat het is, is mijn onvolmaakte lichaam en ik ben er blij mee", schrijft ze. Ook benadrukt ze dat ze veel meer is dan alleen een lichaam.

"Het is wellicht een beetje triest, maar ik ben zo gewend geraakt aan mensen die commentaar hebben op mijn uiterlijk, dat het me niet meer stoor." De gemene reacties verwijdert Sjana van haar profiel omdat ze wil dat het een plaats is van liefde, kracht en positiviteit in plaats van oordelen en kritiek.

Wat vind jij van haar reactie?

Lees ook: Vriendinnen van Instagram-model claimen dat het een hoax was

I am so much more than a body - I know that. I am not defined by numbers OR by other peoples opinions of me. And the body I have, as imperfect or "skinny" or "gross" as people may think it is, is MY imperfect body. And i am happy with it despite their irrelevant opinions.. My imperfect body helps me to move, travel, explore, play, and even hug people.. To me, that makes it beautiful. My body is natural and unmanipulated - that to me means that nothing about it can be "wrong".. We don't look at a landscape and criticise the shape of a valley or the size of a mountain do we? So why are we so quick to judge other natural things like the human figure? It is probably sad, but I have become so used to peoples comments on my external appearance that they no longer bother me. I simply block any user and delete their comments if they are critical of me OR anyone else OR if they swear because I want this space (my profile) to be a place of love, empowerment and posivity.. Not judgment and criticism.I am not going to apologise for posting an image of myself.. I'm not going to shame my own body because other people don't believe it is attractive or "normal". I have never and will never suggest that other people should aspire to have my body. In fact, it's the opposite. Me posting an inage which has my body in it is about celebrating the human form DESPITE the way it does or doesn't meet social expectations and standards. It's about saying, "hey world. This is me. And despite what you think of me, I am comfortable in my own skin. Not because I think I look good or am "perfect", but because I understand that my value is not defined by other peoples opinions of me. And my value is not found in my appearance, but rather the ability to see through someones exterior and understand their true worth is found in their character, their personality, their optimism, their resilience, their strength, their determination, their values, the way they see the world." To me, that is beautiful. Not being a certain weight, size or body shape. Just because i have a very slender frame does this mean I should shame my own body and others that are (read more in first caption) x

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